3D city models combined with the digital terrain models (DGM) offers a data base adequate to the calculations of propagation of sound waves in urban areas.
Map of Zurich noise – Source: City of Zurich
Such studies are required in particular by the European 2002/49/EG directive on noise in the environment to assess the levels of noise pollution and implement the necessary improvement actions. The agglomerations of more than 100.000 inhabitants are required to perform such studies every 5 years.
For new urban development, this method based on 3D models to optimize plotted of the axes of transport and urban forms in order to limit noise pollution.
Prerequisite: model 3D city (enough LoD1) including DGM, data traffic, railroad and air as well as from industrial activities. Optionally: Data for construction of buildings and urban infrastructure (in particular their reverberation coefficient).