The night lights of the monuments have always mixed art and technique. A nocturnal image original and custom can be modelled by playing on the positioning of the lumieuses sources, the effects of shading, lighting levels and color temperatures.
Simulation of lighting in Stuttgart – source: InGeoForum
Previously, this garment of light was obtained groped by comparing some variations in real conditions during the planning phase. Now, software using the 3D building and city models allow to explore many illumination to the particularly realistic scenarios. The actual physical data such as the coefficient of reflection of the facades, light sources and their dispersion are specifically taken into account. As the creation and optimization of lighting is entirely computer-aided, work and night alterations on site are minimized.
The light based on 3D city models simulation applies not only to the historical heritage but can affect all public lighting in general. Whether to add street lights in dark places such as crime prevention, or rather reduce light pollution to promote biodiversity and incidentally save energy, simulate these different scenarios by adjusting virtual light sources to make economies of scale by directly getting results on the ground.
Prerequisite: Model of 3D city LoD3 with texture, terrain and vegetation